Edits, algorithms and models built around you

Capture more savings with edits, algorithms and analytics customized for your needs in both prepayment and postpayment.


Customizable Claim Edits Ready for Deployment

Take advantage of our ever growing list of edits to capture FWA in both prepayment and postpayment environments. We work with you to customize the edits, rules and algorithms to match your specific policies and provider contracts.


Transparent Claim Flagging

View every flagged claim in our dashboard to see all details, including why it was flagged, which edit, algorithm, or model flagged the claim, which providers were involved, and which members were affected.

Contact our team to explore your saving opportunities

Have your questions answered and get acquainted with our products.

  • Learn how to increase payment accuracy and lower healthcare expenditure
  • Explore use cases for your payment integrity team
  • Get any questions answered about our products

Email us at sales@metadigital.tech or reach out on LinkedIn

Payers have identified $1.8 billion in fraud, waste and abuse using MetaDigital.